The Best Books From 2022 That Will Boost Your Productivity & Wellbeing

StudyStream has compiled a list of the best books to boost your productivity.

The Best Books From 2022 That Will Boost Your Productivity & Wellbeing

If you are searching for the best books to add to your bookshelf in 2023 then look no further. StudyStream has compiled a list of the best books to boost your productivity. From improving your time management skills to making bigger steps toward your goals, reading this list of books will make the year 2023 a highly successful one.

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think - Laura Vanderkam

Do you believe you can have it all? Laura Vanderkam believes that you can have whatever you desire but you have to plan for it. This time management book teaches you how to make the most of every single hour in your week. Vanderkam will convince you that you have more time than you realize and with the right structure, you will find the best balance and give yourself more time to work towards your goals.

Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential - Tiago Forte

If you are looking for a way to enhance your productivity and unlock your creative potential, then this book is for you. Written by productivity coach Tiago Forte, this book uncovers five key insights into organizing your digital life. A must-have for those who struggle to stay on task and organize their work or study schedule.

I Didn’t Do the Thing Today: Letting Go of Productivity Guilt - Madeleine Dore

If you feel guilty for not being productive every day and find yourself struggling with perfectionism, then this book is for you. Dore expresses the idea of dismantling our compassion for others, taking productivity off its pedestal, and removing the unrealistic notions of what can be done in a day. Embrace and enjoy the joyful messiness of life with I Didn’t Do the Thing Today: Letting Go of Productivity Guilt by Madeleine Dore.

Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention—and How to Think Deeply Again - Johann Hari

Looking for the answers to not being able to concentrate? Johann Hari’s book Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention and How to Think Deeply Again will delve into the current crisis of the attention span and how we can get it back. If you are struggling with staying focused and on task, then this book is for you and it should be added to your list to read in 2023.

The End of Burnout: Why Work Drains Us and How to Build Better Lives - Jonathan Malesic

Burnout. We’ve all experienced it. But how do we go beyond burnout and build a better life where our studying or work doesn’t drain us? Read The End of Burnout: Why Work Drains Us and How to Build Better Lives by Jonathan Malesic and find new ways to thrive and resist our cultural obsession with overworking. A necessary read for those who struggle with burnout.

Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation - Ayelet Fishbach

If you like scientific research and you want to learn more about motivation and read some compelling stories of people who learned to motivate themselves, then read Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation by Ayelet Fishbach. Learn to achieve your goals while remaining happy, healthy, and with a clear mind.

The ONE Thing - Gary Keller

Do you tend to do multiple tasks at once? If you are struggling on focusing or achieving your goals, you might enjoy The One Thing by Gary Keller. This book discourages multitasking and instead provides scientific ways that can help you focus on one thing at a time to increase your productivity and success. A must-have for those serial multitasking students!


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